Compufunk is a long time resident of Osaka,Japan. It is here in the mid 90's he started his Djing career. He quickly became a talented and well respected DJ in the Kansai area. His love for electronic music caused him to open his record shop in 1996 called "Compufunk records". Compufunk started productions and throwing parties around Osaka. This gave him the oppurtunity to hone his skills and play alongside such artists as : UR,Modl 500, Los Hermanos,Laurent Garnier, Juan Atkins, Carl Craig, Derick May, Robert Hood, Colin Dale, Suburban Knight,D.wynn,DJ 3000, DJ S2,Murf,DJ Dog,Hero U.D.A, and many more. In 2005 Compufunk first met DJ 3000 in his record shop. This gave him the contact and the oppurtunity to show DJ 3000 the owner of Motech label his skills as a producer. In 2007 he released his first track on the infamous detroit label Motech, which appeared on the Motech - compilation album Broken Research. Since his first release he hasn't looked back.Releasing Last Samurai EP,Orbit & Ishin Denshin, Black Shadow & Ninja Clone, Cosmis Echoes & Time Tunnel. Compufunk is always moving forward, look out for the his public Compufunk label this year.

今年で14年目を迎えるテクノ-ハウス老舗レコード・ショップ「COMPUFUNK(コンピューファンク)RECORDS」主宰。LOVEGOD 名義で1990年初頭よりDJ/プロデューサーとして活動し様々なPatyをオーガナイズ、又出演。楽曲もSound-Cannel、Jet-Set、 Grasswaxxtなど国内レーベルへの提供や、デトロイト"DJ 3000"が主催する”MOTECH ”"から4タイトルをデジタル・リリース。同レーベルのコンピレーション・アルバム”Broken Research 1 & 2"にも収録。『DJ3000 - Galactic Caravan Remixies』にもRemixerとして参加。又2010年、オリジナル & DJ DEXUR061) Remixを含むCOMPUFUNKヴァイナル・レーベル第1弾をリリース。又レーベル第2弾として、Mark Flash(UR078)、DJ 3000のRemixを収録した"A.I.SOUL EP"をリリースするなど精力的に活動中。
panrecords podcast 004 - DJ COMPUFUNK & Ryo Murakami live@compufunk backroom by panrecords